Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Well, I made it. I was thinking I didn't give up much for Lent, didn't get ashes on my head on Ash Wednesday, didn't kiss the feet of the Cross with a hundred other people (wiped by an alter server with a nice clean cloth after each) on Good Friday. . . but at least I gave up my blogs during Lent. And I stuck with it. Sure I posted this or that on other sites and sent e-mails and ranted verbally into the wind. But I didn't log much. I sat myself down to actually watch The Passion of the Christ on DVD - definitive edition - for the first time without commentary since it was in theaters five years ago. I gave it my full attention. I only took one break, part way through the scourging. That at least offers plenty of opportunity to pick fights on the internet.

I made a few short films - four exactly - during Lent, and a few small things I won't count. There is even a Porno the Clown Easter greeting. I wouldn't want my mom to see that one. I went for a pretty bad play on words. The down side of shooting any form of HD is that I can't paste the code and see the frame properly on one of these blogs.

So even though I did give up this blog, some code was experimentally pasted into the Porno the Clown blog. Which is not the same as blogging about my own life and the issues of the day.

St. Patrick's Day came and went during Lent, a long 24 hours for people who gave up alcohol for Lent.

And on a day that my knee started acting up and I didn't want to go anywhere I saw that an event on Facebook I wanted to support would actually mean dragging my ass downtown into a neighborhood to cast a vote. Then I heard they were out of ballots and I had to hang around for most of the presentations even though it went against the grain to be there at all. Only after voting and supporting my friend's organization did I realize that technically I probably had no right to be there let alone vote in a community to which I didn't belong.

I'm leaving the details out of it for now. Because this is about Easter, not about my psychological piccadillos.

Right now I'm editing a live show that someone else - Jay (Porno the Clown) -videotaped with my camera on two separate performances that don't match in terms of who is on stage and how they are on stage. Very challenging. It's The Shameless Dames Versus the Volcano, their last show. I think Jay did a good job keeping track of what is on stage, even though there will be uncontrollable issues of lighting and sound between the two nights and the idea that dances set to songs are only very loosely in synch.

Hoping it all cuts together in a way that isn't too jarring. Meanwhile Happy Easter. . .

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