Some replies to a recent blurb.
Re: George Lucas, the Star Wars Blu-ray edits, and the status quo
Posted By Jawsphobia 1 September 7, 2011 07:09:10 PM
Lucas does this and knows it will cause outrage. The customer may not always be right, but this is a case where the artist has too much time to overthink and to use his own property as a ginnea pig in research and development. Objectively, it's just jot good filmmaking. What's missing from this article is the fact that we DON'T HAVE TO rebuy these movies on BluRay. What am I doing with the Back to the Future Trilogy in two formats? The only new thing we might want from Lucasfilm here is the Bonus disc of missing scenes. Chances are we can find a bootleg rip of that and pick it up or download it with a clear conscience. It's not worth forking over the expense of three needlessly changed good movies we already have and three mediocre prequels. Then in February the next hype will be the theatrical 3D release of the movies Lucas has already sold you. Beginning with The Phantom Premise. I'm skipping this theatrical run, thanks, 3D or no 3D. I don't need to see Jar Jar again, much less hear Vader's "Nooooo!" in Sith let alone in Jedi. And by the way there's nothing wrong with fans being fed up. Let the BluRays collect dust on the store shelf. Let the theaters sit empty during the 3D money grab. That's the one right we do have.
Spielberg on E.T.
Posted By Jawsphobia 1 September 7, 2011 07:11:07 PM
Spielberg now recommends only the 1982 version of E.T. not the digitally changed 2002 version.
Just say noooooooooooo!
Posted By Jawsphobia 1 September 7, 2011 07:17:14 PM
I don't know about anyone here, but I've seen all the Star Wars flicks in a theater and I have them all on DVD, even the original cuts of the Original Trilogy from when they were sold with the second DVD release. We can do without the BluRay. We can do without the theatrical re-releases in 3D. We can spend money on something other than BluRay versions of movies we already have (and regular DVDs can be used on more players than BluRays). I don't have the influence to "boycott" anything, and I'm no Sparticus, but the BluRay coming out and the re-release of these special ed versions in 3D just aren't meant for me. Time to save money and enjoy what we already have. Just say no.
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