Friday 15 October, 2010
Dear XXXXXXXXX Management:
A matter has come to light which I feel should be reported in case it escalates.
This concerns my suspicion that a resident of unit XXXX in 9 XXXXX Place, most likely the female, has engaged in a petty and disturbing game. The name associated with the unit is S. Saad. I’ll describe what background I know after the immediate situation.
Today on the above date I found two brooms on my balcony, one of which I dimly recognized as my own balcony broom (no longer fit to bring inside once it has swept bird feathers and worse). The other I did not recognize. This one also had an empty grey plastic bag tied with a twisty aluminum tie at the handle. It would be consistent with whatever plastic bag she may be used when walking their black Mastiff. It is the closest thing to a clue about who deposited the broom on my balcony. I took photos before bringing
the brooms to deposit in the basement bin. Even my own had an unnatural amount of feathers
stuck along the handle, but they would have had to get onto my balcony to get hold of it.
The brooms were on the side closest to their apartment and a broom could be tossed from their
balcony to my own but it is doubtful that one dropped from above would be able to land
inside my own. It would have to be thrown laterally.
The plastic bag I untied and left further up the hallway, approximately across from 1414. That was around 5pm. Around 9:30 pm I opened my door to check and the same bag was directly outside my door.
The difference is that while 1414 has another unit’s door directly across from it and I had placed the bag beside that door so it is ambiguous as to where it came from there is only a wall across from my own unit. So something placed directly outside my door confirms that whoever found it knows which unit it came from. At the time of writing it is 20 minutes later and I expect it is possible that such a game could continue back and forth all weekend. Except that from my end it has already helped confirm that 1414 for whatever reason tied a plastic bag to a broom and threw it onto my balcony.
It must be said that whatever the outcome it won’t result with me being scared off. Being as open as possible about this nonsense I hope to nip it in the bud. She can move or grow up, or we can see whether this mischief can be addressed with legal recourse. It is definitely harassment on her part.
In fairness, the neighbor I assume to be her husband is a hospitable sort and I have no quarrel with him. If he and his wife are together at the elevator I address him and he seems normal and civilized. All I know is that he works in construction, apart from a couple of animated complaints he has apparently made at the management office about the drain cleaner and parking leaks. From the day they moved in I have been nothing but polite and friendly. I recall the wife sitting in the hall on some luggage and I said hello and asked if she was okay. Since then in comings and goings when we have crossed paths there has been silence to the obligatory nod or hello. But even that is water off a duck’s back. A couple of years ago my security post was at a condo and it was mostly about vetting people at the intercom and making sure people didn’t con their way in. Around that time the only event happened that I could possibly point to as a reason to be angry with me. My phone rang one night and the conversation went as follows:
: Hello?
: Hi. It’s me.
: Who is me?
: I’m at the door downstairs. I have the dog.
: What’s your name?
Then someone else must have let her in. Her comment about the dog hadn’t registered by the time I
asked for the person’s name. How odd that someone who gave me the cold shoulder feels comfortable saying “It’s me” and expecting me to know who it is. A few minutes later I heard her return with the dog.
I’ve suppressed the urge to complain in the past (about some bits of loose junk or sawdust that used to be tracked into the hallway from unit 1414 or hammering from there) and in some cases I didn’t know where something came from (actual poop found on my balcony, which I figured had fallen there but now I suspect could have been flung there). I’m not quick to complain and I’m not naïve that action can be taken. I don’t know if it is mental illness that might be involved or mere immaturity. But I want to know this is a matter of record in case there have been other complaints and this gives context. I also have to protect myself from any spin-doctoring that might occur.
(I'm actually planning to send this)
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