A lot has happened since September when I apparently made my last post in this blog.
Now the suspence can end for everyone hanging on to my every word here.
October I had a skim read of the Porno the Clown feature script with the actor Jay Ould. I thought it went fine. I'd say I agreed with five out of six comments.
But the script would later improve as I made one of the bigger changes I had put off.
By February I was putting in a replay of the ending from the original Porno the Clown short. This led to a stronger intro.
But November 4 as I was almost at work I had an aneurysm. So I ended up getting a coil operation in the old gulliver and then intensive care. After two weeks in hospital I went home and my mom was staying with me. Got my apartment more in order. At hospital I got visits from my sisters and my niece, as well as friends Morgonn, Peter, Simon and Jason. When I'm not in the hospital I often forget being connected to the world. Excessive time on Facebook notwithstanding. It was good to have visitors. Much of the time I felt kind of resigned and I was wrong about what actually went on with my aneurysm. It was Christmas when I visited North Bay and my mom showed me a youtube animation of a coil procedure.
At the same time I was asking work when I could go back and it was decided that my MRI on January 4 and doctor appointment on the 11th would decide with a note giving permission to return. I have been getting scattered shifts and have been frustrated that I have not resumed my sites and hours I had before the aneurysm. I had been getting at least 4 hours of overtime back then each week. Not getting as much now, but I am told I might get a post at a CTV site and I understand (but have yet confirmed) that it would be more money. Still security guard money, but more than I had been getting. Of course the reason to keep going in Toronto is that I want/plan to make movies. I've started converting my scripts to short stories so that they will exist as a product on their own without being something that demands visualization and money. It also is more fun to read than a script, and there may be more of an outlet for it, contests and so on.
This reminds me to get back to that work. The writing work. There is a contest submission deadline.
Meanwhile, I'd like to hijack everyone's focus on my PTC feature, now sporting a cleaner title I won't mention here. I'm not confident I could think of another marketable title that doesn't scare people like "The Adventures of Porno the Clown."
Debating about going back to the producer who abandoned the project a few years back. Maybe I have to connect more with a new group of people, having joined Raindance Toronto. They seem pretty positive, although most of us creative types are essentially interested in our own burden of projects.
I'm not sure if I'm still a member of LIFT. Very odd signals over their LIFT Out Loud group and the call for volunteers. I was right on the cusp of letting my yearly membership expire and there was no nudge in the mail or on-line to renew.
I know I want to use my own Canon HX-A1 HDV camera and I can't justify the expense of film or being on the clock with rental.
I've thought about getting someone else to direct the Porno the Clown feature.
But that doesn't mean I would produce. It would mean non-involvement. I have only produced by default and what the project really needs is a producer who is actually a producer. I'm only a writer and a director. The project will be handicapped in ters of resources if I produce by default. And I'm not just sayint that because Producing is more work and more thankless. People who have a knack for sales or producing and get results like to think ANYONE can do it if they aren't lazy, but knowing how to run a marathon is different than doing it and for a left-brain person to do right-brain work or vice versa can happen but it takes more time and it not slotting the right person for the job.